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Out patient procedures

Spay cat – $140
Spay dog <20lbs – $196
Spay dog 21-60 lbs – $237
Spay dog 60-100 lbs – $273
Spay dog 101-130lbs – $294
Spay dog > 130lbs – $334

Neuter cat – $106
Neuter dog <20 lbs – $140
Neuter dog 21-60 lbs – $175
Neuter dog 61+ lbs – $210

An I.V. catheter may be placed at the Veterinarian’s discretion to insure I.V. access during surgery. Additionally we always encourage owners to consider Pre-anesthetic blood work prior to any anesthetic procedure to evaluate your pets liver/kidney function.

If your pet is Geriatric 8 years + a Comprehensive panel may be performed. This gives our Staff the ability to make the most informed decision regarding anesthetic medications.

Routine Dental Cleaning and polish
Dog – $225
Cat – $152

Dental procedures can be difficult to quote because of the unknown level of tooth disease prior to sedation and evaluation. Additional expenses could include:
Antibiotics – $20 -$60
Simple tooth extraction – $18.40 per tooth
Complex tooth extraction – $43.00 per tooth

**Older patients will likely be required to have an I.V. catheter and pre-anesthetic blood work
***If you are considering a dental for a pet with significant dental disease please request an exam and estimate prior to the procedure. We will do our best to give you an accurate quote, so that you can make the most informed decision for your pet.